How do you post invoices on Damus/Nostr from Wallet of Satoshi?
-Press recieve, make sure you are in the "lightning" section at the top,
-click "add custom amount, type the amount of sats you want to receive (make sure you are in 'sats' mode, not $ mode (if you need to change this, press the arrows on the right))
-tap the QR code to copy the Lightning Invoice
-in a Nostr/Damus post or comment, paste the invoice. Even if it looks like a long string of random numbers and letters, when it posts, it will say "⚡️Pay me with Lightning " or something like that after it posts.
Thanks! Much appreciated. 🙏🏽
No problem, welcome no Stacker News, Nostr, and Lightning. ...and Bitcoin too if you are new to that!
Sending satoshis around is alot of fun! This stuff with Nostr is all pretty new to be honest, so we are discovering it with you.