Hey guys! First post here and I'm stocked! :)
I'm buying parts to setup a BTC node, a Lightning node, and a Nostr relay via Umbrel. Do I really need to buy an SSD to store it all or is an HDD enough once its up and running?
Thanks for your help!
Before doing anything, please read more and think about. I wrote several guides about Umbrel and LN nodes in general. Exactly for noobs like you that just started. If you read my guides, your life will be much easier later.
Here is a selection of those you should read first:
The 1st and most important question for you is: for what do you need this LN node? Then seize that node machine for your needs.
To answer your specific question:
  1. yes you can run a node with a HDD, but will be a NIGHTMARE and quickly you will be in more trouble than you think.
  2. Running a LN node + nostr relay = NOT A GOOD IDEA! A LN node, especially one that is running also Electrum server, will have a lot of I/O on the disk. A nostr relay will add even more pressure and I/O to the disk and will make things worst. Run a simple LN node with minimal apps required. All the rest run them on a separate machine.
Running a public LN node is a serious task and is affecting all other network participants. Having a shity node will not help anybody else. be responsible for what you are going to do!
Something I did not specify is that, regarding, Nostr, I just want a perosnal relay to store my data. I don't intend on making it public. So I don't think that the I/O would be that bad. Would it?
same shit. A nostr relay could be run on any other simple pc.
What you refuse to understand is that your node will affect also the other participants... Is not about only your personal use.
Another option: run a private node if you want to have a nostr on the same machine. In that way will affect ONLY YOU. Then you will remember my words.
Ok... I'll think about it all. I was thinking about a private node anyway.
I'm gonna keep eduating myself before starting. Thanks for the links and useful tips.
Ok, great input man. I'm gonna read it through!
I didn't realize the I/O issue that might arise if I run both on the same machine. I might stick to BTC and Nostr for now then. This shouldn't be a problem right?
Don't mix anything with a bitcoin/LN node. You will remember my words.
For security purposes you mean?
No, same reasons as described before
An SSD will be faster but it works with HDDs too. I use that.
Oh ok. Good to know then. But didn't it take forever to sync your node?
Yeah, it will take time. I started my sync 13 days ago. I'm at 83.99 % now syncing transactions from 1 year ago. Exponentially gets slower the higher percentage I reach. Soon there... 😅
That's what I thought. Well there's no rush anyway, not for me at least! :) Thanks man!
No problem. Happy to share the data!
SSDs seem to break more randomly so I wanted HDDs as I run Nextcloud on my Umbrel. I think it's worth the slow sync. :)
I think it might be
I failed to sync a node multiple times with HD. Got an SSD and it works!
That's what I fear. I mean I'm pretty sure it would work once synced, but will it sync? That's the issue I guess...