Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed. It is not fungible or private. Go read the cypherpunk manifesto, and then tell me with a straight face that bitcoin's lack of privacy is alright. Also, for something to be sound money, it needs to be fungible, this is not optional. Bitcoin is not money because it lacks the essential quality of money known homogeneity or fungibility. Without privacy and fungibility, bitcoin is not money, has irredeemable design flaws and is an inferior money to monero. The flippening of bitcoin by monero on the dark web is Gresham's law in action
You can say what you want, but the free market has already decided. Most darkmarkets have already switched to Monero 😋
I really don't give a shit about those "dark markets". I do not use them.
That's irrelevant. I don't use your traders. You're just an insignificant part of the market. 🤏
wow, I am gonna cry now because I am irrelevant for the "dark market".
black markets make up like a quarter or more of the total global economy. separating money from state means bitcoin should work for illegal use cases just as well as legal ones. the fact that you are so dense that you cannot understand this is not only laughable but proof of why bitcoin has failed. the money for enemies meme doesn't work when the community has accepted so many compromises and so much regulatory capture that the money no longer works for enemies, only aml/kyc'd retards. i guess that doesn't matter though right? LOL
Again, I don't give a shit about monero and black markets
Without darkmarkets, there would be no bitcoin. Without a free market, free money has no meaning.