Hi Murch! Thanks for all your work over on stack exchange over the years. I've always found the site to be a great resource; I've learned a lot there over the years.
Anyways, a non-bitcoin question: I think I remember you saying that you enjoy board games, do you have a favourite these days? And also, an all-time favourite?
In the past months Dominion has been my favorite, my all-time favorite might be Ricochet Robots.
Oh, Dominion is a lot of fun! I bought the base game probably a decade ago, and its been a long time favourite. These days I'm mostly playing online though.
You should check out the online Dominion league if you haven't yet. Its a good time, and a good way to test your skills.
I'll have to check out Ricochet Robots, haven't actually heard of that one before. Appreciate the recommendation.