I guess this question is multi-fold:
  1. Is it currently possible to link more than one LNAuth-enabled wallet as an authentication method to stacker news? If so, how?
  2. If not, is this something that could be done as an enhancement in the future, or is the technical feasibility out of the realm of likelihood?
I’m asking because the news of BlueWallet’s custodial lightning wallet shutdown made me wonder if I’m going to have issues authenticating to SN in the future, since I use BlueWallet’s LNAuth capabilities to sign in (is this going to be an issue?) But also, it seems like it could be useful to be able to “rotate” LNAuth wallets through if needed in the future. In other words, add a second one before unlinking the first. I’m really trying to avoid linking anything other than via LNAuth.
As always, thanks for any interesting and useful input and discussion!
BlueWallet’s custodial lightning wallet shutdown
That doesn't mean the whole app is not functional anymore. You can link the BW app to any other lndhub node, but not their lndhub.io. I think you didn't paid attention to the message.
Thanks for the reply, Darth. I guess I’m having trouble wrapping my head around what happens to existing LN wallets that were served by lndhub.io. I can run my own lndhub node and connect BW to it and everything would continue to work as it does currently, except it would be non-custodial at that point? I need to learn more about how lightning works to properly understand what’s going on here.
Yes, lndhub is just an accounting system on top of a LN node. No more no less. You can run your own lndhub server and serve to many users, family and friends if you want.
lndhub.io was just a drop in the LN ocean. Don't make a drama from it.
Here you have more guides how to use a lndhub server:
and more on my substack