With this I agree and disagree. Maximalism has played an important role. Just like christians when christianity was a radical jewish sect. Or like cypherpunks with their nascent cryptography. However, as something expands and gets more mainstream and its confidence curve flattens, the fundamentalism dissipates.
On the issue of fiat maximalism, I'll argue that the BTC/USD pair is the money/currency pair that will pac-man the world, and we'll get nowhere beyond where we are without it, just as it's been required for 15 years, with zero sign of disuniting, even when China owned a majority of hashpower and was mining a huge percentage of total issuance. The closer these two get, the closer we get to entering the actual bend in the parabola. The sooner they're both represented on the bitcoin network, the sooner every currency pair in the world is dead. And with the LN, PLTC, stablecoin regulation, etc, we're close to inscribing the atomic unit, satoshi.