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What we're so protective of is our wealth and we dislike anything that's a perceived threat to it, from shitcoiners to protocol change. The former is of no consequence and the latter most don't understand enough to sensibly opine on. Anyway, this just shows the incentive structures are working.
Holding bitcoin doesn't make me a good person. It doesn't make me a smart person. My observations of our virtue signaling group of parrots says most of my bitcoin friends will import all the same problems of today to the other side: the conspiratorial politics, unwillingness to revisit world views often, obsession with gender, and willingness to fight as many pyrrhic wars as there's time in a day.
Here's the thing though, the culture is changing. Don't tell me you don't feel it. You've seen it. Ordinals was like an earthquake. It did something. Forced us to confront our maxi sins, our biases. It forked us. It was like a religious fundamentalist looking up, hearing their son whisper: "Mom, I'm gay."
"Why are you whispering?"
"So dad won't hea—"
"I heard that, you faggot."
No gay son wants to hear that from a father without any bitcoin.
How do you survive when you're the smallest innocent, fish in the sea?
Bitcoin still survives because of its Toxic Maxists. Show me a man who loves peace and yet is in love with war? Nah!
Bitcoin Maxists love peace, therefore, must be toxic towards anything that will overshadow that peace.
I call them fiat maximalists. They are toxic too, especially towards bitcoin and its philosophy.
The thing is, one has to choose side, either: bitcoin and its toxic maxists or fiat and its toxic maxists
To protect yourself, your family and maybe your community and even the world, you'll need good fortune. Bitcoin is currently the best bet. Bitcoin can only be protected by Toxicity!
With this I agree and disagree. Maximalism has played an important role. Just like christians when christianity was a radical jewish sect. Or like cypherpunks with their nascent cryptography. However, as something expands and gets more mainstream and its confidence curve flattens, the fundamentalism dissipates.
On the issue of fiat maximalism, I'll argue that the BTC/USD pair is the money/currency pair that will pac-man the world, and we'll get nowhere beyond where we are without it, just as it's been required for 15 years, with zero sign of disuniting, even when China owned a majority of hashpower and was mining a huge percentage of total issuance. The closer these two get, the closer we get to entering the actual bend in the parabola. The sooner they're both represented on the bitcoin network, the sooner every currency pair in the world is dead. And with the LN, PLTC, stablecoin regulation, etc, we're close to inscribing the atomic unit, satoshi.
What’s the difference between “conspiratorial politics” and “regular politics”? About 6 months.
Conspiratorial politics refers to a pattern of seeing aliens, pedophiles, nazis, communism, sabotage, racism, unsolved murders, missing bodies, crisis actors, and various TikTok trends in the way Bill Gates crosses his legs or Donald Trump parts his hair.
Everything the “conspiracy theorists” said about covid is turning out to be true- masks, treatments, economic control to double the wealth of the wealthy. Also the US proxy war with Russia is a massive true conspiracy. We are now at about 30% trust in mainstream media and the number is still falling
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LOL you must be new. The war started in 2014 when the US backed faction overthrew the elected government. Trump/Clinton/Biden/Bush are all ruling class vying for ceremonial power- the UNIPARTY CIA has ruled in Washington since they executed JFK. The only resistance is Bitcoin and the Anti-War movement.
Ukraine's problems or history didn't start in 2014. The only resistance is BTC/USD.
I don't like maximalism, what does it mean anyway People must be really desperate to put bitcoin at the first place in their lives ... Family, health and friends are way more important.
Well, guess you must be new around here. Correct me if I am wrong.
I think when considering the fork wars; consistent uninformed attacks on bitcoin from mass media or bankers; being put into the same pot as shitcoins; your own social circle not showing any interest in this "magic internet money"; people not getting absolute basics like "not your keys, not your coins" and everything else that happened between now and 2009, it's not surprising people got really toxic about bitcoin, lol
You start to just not give a fuck about people anymore and ultimately become a "toxic bitcoin maximalist" since most won't listen anyway.
Kind of like a spin on:
You either die as a hero or you live long enough to become the villain

Now, I don't want to say that I am an OG or anything (I only really started to look into bitcoin in 2020) but I know my view on the toxicity changed over time.
Now I can see that it's just people trying to tell others to not do the same mistakes over and over again and getting really fed up with stupid stuff like 20% APY lol

Family, health and friends are way more important.
Also I am not sure if this was ever part of the question.
I think you can be a "toxic bitcoin maxi" and still put family, health and friends before bitcoin.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Feb 2023
now that I read this again ... actually quite funny to write this in 2023 and now even getting tipped sats for it
damn we have come a long way
I just wish I started digging into bitcoin earlier but don't we all haha
bitcoin for ennemies, bitcoin for opponents
I entered "bitcoin space" in 2014. Me too I'm trying to "wake up" family and friends on what is money and importance of self sovereignty and privacy. But I feel sad for "maxis" that turn bitcoin into their religion, they loose their objectivity and criticism. But there are many communities of communities in bitcoin and it's hard to know if we talk about same people.
Me too I'm trying to "wake up" family and friends
You see, that's where the problems begin. Nobody has to "wake up" because nobody is asleep. As a non-toxic Bitcoin maximalist myself I just cannot understand why so many Bitcoiners are unable to meet people at the point where they are at.
You have to understand them. You have to explain were you see current problems in the fiat world and especially on which opinions and underlying values these are based on. You have to answer their specific criticism or perspectives they have adequately.
You cannot just stand there, being so far far away from their daily life reality and have otherworldly opinions and be dismissive and call them "asleep". This would never ever work.
and this is what I tried to do with everyone, which is not easy. you assume too much but you are right
sometimes they make a move and start digging sometimes never. when I say try I fail most of times but manage for some 😆
9 years of trying to take them up?
For those who believe God as well
Yes. 🙏 Forgot about the laws. I just saw your offline.cash Medium write up. Was great. Interesting product. Oddly that's the first review of it I've seen.
Wow thanks. Yeah that product is flying under the radar. Would be cool to see an offline solution to reach those in rural and poor areas.
Religion has nothing to do with bitcoin, but feel free to project your religious views onto magic internet money.
I think that the "honest weights and measures" thing is very much common to bitcoiners and christians.
What isn't common between them is cultish manipulation. Oh, there is a few, and it might be said that some of the more zealous bitcoin maxis are verging on cultish but really, it is unsuitable material for cult insider/outsider separation, "bitcoin is for enemies" kinda makes it a central tenet of the "maximalist religion" that disagreeing, on everything, is one of the highest attributes of a maximalist.
Religion and the real laws of nature also are not fully overlapping things either. But the real religion is all about abiding by the real laws of nature.
Not projecting anything. My beliefs are for me. I’m not telling anyone what to believe or not.
That’s not true!!!! You have these no KYC bros guilting people for using bitcoin in a KYC manner. It’s no different than a Christian guilting others for being non believers. I know most no KYC bros mean well by trying to protect those from the lack of privacy that comes with KYC but the approach is terrible and very cultish.
Cant take care of any of those if they steal all your wealth.
но за будущее твоих внуков думать нужно...
I can understand how it was important, especially in the beginning to have hyper dedicated and obsessed people to keep the nascent thing healthy, kind of like the early radical jewish sect of christians who gave their lives for their beliefs, but as it grows it needs a lighter more palatable touch to proliferate. Not people like me using slurs.
I personally have been attacked here by so called bitcoin purists… I’d say it’s a large part of why the masses don’t look into bitcoin… these people are deplorable. Forgive me for asking a question or bringing up anything other then bitcoin…
I used to be one early on, not extreme, but groupthink and beholden. I'm glad for platforms like these and people like you Busybe3z. 🍻
Did you ever stop to consider that they all got that way by investing in shitcoins themselves and getting horribly rekt?
... my objection to ordinals has 0 to do with wealth protection. more about simply respecting the intended use for Bitcoin.
The intended use of bitcoin. There's validity there in that argument. I'd say the three BIPs that make Taproot is the right design pattern, because it's required for the LN to scale, augment privacy, and take its next steps. Taproot is a part of bitcoin now. Perhaps you agree with that, but what I see with Ordinals is no different than taking advantage of game mechanics to speedrun a game, except each time you play it you're getting slower, until you're back to the same game. Ordinals is an unintended consequence, an emergent behavior, but it's augmenting the security of the system, not damaging it, as a systems engineer that's more telling to me of incredibly robust system design.
I agree that ordinals are not damaging and are something akin to speedrunning a game. though the shared nature of the blockchain has a different effect there. one persons speedrun doesn't have any effect on another persons playing of the game, not the case with ordinal use.
Im not sure it maps to create a system that is designed to be decentralized, permisissionless and censorship-resistant. And also be annoyed at how people use such a system.
That's one of the whole objectives. It's a middle finger to anyone who tries to excert control over others.
If bitcoin cant withstand an attack, its not worth anything. Us being annoyed with how bitcoin is used is proof we still haven't given up our fascist impulses.
This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Go touch some grass. You have to much free time in your own head.
C'mon now, take a deep breath. The culture is changing. One more tough macro month (March) until the death cycle of winter gives onto spring. Ahhhhh. Release. Ahhh. Nice. Now you can pull out.
Stop talking to yourself in the mirror
This is exactly the kind of dismissiveness that makes normies out there not engage with Bitcoin. They think we are an edgy opinion instead of an objectively humanity advancing technology.
OP is trying to help improve the discussion and increase adoption barriers. How is this a bad thing.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.
That was a good rebuttal. 🍻
Lol, glad we can all have a sense of humor! I shouldve been less harsh in my first comment. Sorry about that.
"Bitcoin maximalism is just aligning yourself with truth. No wonder it is considered toxic today." - Hodlnaut
Thanks Hodlnaut, may faketoshi be with you.
My observations of our virtue signaling group of parrots says most of my bitcoin friends will import all the same problems of today to the other side: the conspiratorial politics, unwillingness to revisit world views often, obsession with gender, and willingness to fight as many pyrrhic wars as there's time in a day.
Ordinals was a much-needed shakeup of the culture as it outed the uncritical parrots rather quickly. Bitcoin is more akin to a discovery than an invention, so the network has emergent properties such as posting files and images on a censorship-resistant timechain. Whilst some got apoplectic about NFTs and 'pizzaposting,' I saw unbounded potential as a freedom tool—historical documents, ghost guns, recipes, "forbidden images" like Tank Man...Bitcoin isn't just money, and this realization was humbling for me. I've seen seemingly rational people No True Scotsmansing other bitcoiners and calling for censorship of ordinals, and that was disheartening.
I do think a big part of this cultural change is the advent of alternative platforms like Nostr that aren't algo-driven salt farms. Twitter and Reddit seem to breed hostile communities, and they may be a large part of why the virtue signalers were controlling the narrative for a long time. From here on out, I can see builders and entrepreneurs being more experimental with the network since it has become more apparent than ever that Bitcoin is more than a financier's playground and the people of the legacy platforms are having the narrative slip away from them
This was a really fantastic reply @21stackage. Thx for this.
This is a bizzare post
wut you dont equate ordinals with sodomy ?
you rayciss ?
Holding bitcoin doesn't make me a good person. It doesn't make me a smart person.
You're correct. Neither were early internet adopters in the early 2000s. All kinds of people were.
My observations of our virtue signaling group of parrots
This is true as well. Many Bitcoiners are just parrots - calling nocoiners "NPCs" while being the most uncritical people themselves.
Yeah, and mostly it's a bitcoin twitter algo thing, I swear you get to platforms like this and things are much less rigid.
An interesting way to put it 😂
I agree, btw. I noticed the same thing. Ordinals did cause a cultural shift. A lot of people have loosened up a bit, including myself.
Also, you can’t deny that many of us spending time on a significantly less toxic social media platform (nostr) has probably helped, too.
Great reply. You described it perfectly.
Couldnt agree more. The holier then thou Bitcoiners have been dominating the narrative for quite some time.
Great to see builders who dont give AF just ignore the comments, build, and let the market decide.
It is important to be protective of your wealth, as in aggregate that protects the network's wealth.
No, we are not. You live in San Franshithole. I don’t.
Having a too open mind and being accepting of anything can be bad as well. Ability to discern is important.
ты не замарачивайся... все нормально... у каждого такое приходит и уходит... тебе еще долго эволюционировать...
Holding bitcoin doesn't make me a good person. It doesn't make me a smart person.
Holding is for people who know they're not smart and we're all full of shit in that regard.
Yes, there is disappointing hypocrisy in all corners of human existence and we're lucky that Bitcoin is a roach motel for our weaknesses, once we've set the terms, there's no going back and Bitcoin is effectively immortal. Make a change, most of us will ignore it.
Rules, not rulers, unless it's Ordinal Inscriptions and then, despite the rules permitting it, hypocrites start wanting their opinion of utility respected and their rules obeyed.
An open censorship resistant PubSub/store and forward network, and it's initiator is up in arms and attributing their opinions of a use case to the protocol.
Aye, we're all for our freedoms, but woe betide any that uses those freedoms without respecting our responsibilities.
Speak for yourself. I'm not obsessive about bitcoin to protect my wealth, not only to, at least. From the very start I was into bitcoin for the human rights issues. Alex Gladstein stuff. I knew about the Cypherpunks from back in the days of them fighting the Clipper Chip in the mid 1990's and was an anarchist/Voluntaryist already before bitcoin was launched. Since 2011 at least, I've seen bitcoin as the most important discovery towards human freedom in mankind's entire history, and it is to be protected at all costs.
That's a bit more important than my own personal net worth. I'm very happy that protecting one means protecting the other too.
Human rights is a way to mask our greed, but the important issues with human rights were never going to be solved by just bitcoin and access to basic remittance, but technology at large, and increases in technological efficiency to where the floor is raised for everyone, or, the welfare state achieves marginal cost.
One of the many efficiencies achieved will be money itself, and it will enable proliferation, abundance. But it will be via bitcoin base and usd quote. Bitcoiners think they can separate the btc/usd pair, but they can't, and are quite dishonest about it. The closer these become, the faster the technological parabola accelerates, including what it (bitcoindollars) can do for energy, esp energy efficiency.
I'm saying we're full of shit. Acting like NgU and real wealth incentives aren't critical for the network to operate (go look at the history of the testnet mess before centralized signet). Pretending we give a shit wether or not shitcoiners lose their money (we care about diverted attention from our network, thus our stack). Acting like we care about poverty abroad when it's camping all over outside our front doors. Acting like most are not one-issue voters. Acting like bitcoin will transition the world's value without the usd. Acting like CBDCs carry more spyware than the phone you're using now (spyware is just one issue). Acting like anarcho capitalist fiefdoms are an improvement to our 1st world lives. Acting like our first world lives aren't amazing already. Acting like bitcoin layer one is a place the majority of the world will be transacting or saving. Acting like the masses will ever know or care how bitcoin works or why it works any more than they do their car engine. We're greedy liars you, I, and the rest. And the network's hardness reflects that.
I honestly don't reflect those values you seem to think everyone has. Not everyone thinks like you.
You confuse the importance of money for the importance of a payment network. Payment networks come & go and are upgraded all the time. Of course "Technology" is more important than the current payment network.
Money, however, is orders of magnitude more important than "technology." How could it not be? You use money on the other half of every trade you make! Buying a MP3 player? You trade money for technology. And all your food. & your housing. See where I'm going with this?
Money is also speech. It's important in so many things that of course governments have to try to control it and spread lies like "money is the root of all evil." - In truth it is the opposite... You can't do much good without money!
At it's root, money is nothing less than the only tool we have to keep things "fair" between humans. Without money there is war over resources, with it there can be equality. -At least with hard money, not this fiat pansie shit we have today.
Fix the money, fix the world. - It's not just a clever slogan.
Hmm. If bitcoin wasn't a payment network, it wouldn't work. We've already had hard money and a gold standard. Gold is not a payment network. That money (gold) was corrupted by being brought into a centralized network lacking transparency, and stamped with the authority of the state.
If bitcoin was not a payment network, nothing is different. There's no way to enforce rules. There's no decentralization. Its brilliance is that it flips the dynamic and as a decentralized payment network (as well as a hard money) with transparency, brings currency into ITS system. That currency is whatever quotes it. That's the Trojan Horse.
Fix the money fix the world is an ambiguous statement. Fix means something different than replace.
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Fatalism is stupid. I believe I have some agency in my life
I like that. This is a fair point.
Yes bubbles, square those shoulders. Not only is bitcoin just handling it, its hashpower is expanding, a thousand more nodes have come online, more network Taproot support, more developers, and neutered maxis like ourselves with voices two octaves higher now.