Me too I'm trying to "wake up" family and friends
You see, that's where the problems begin. Nobody has to "wake up" because nobody is asleep. As a non-toxic Bitcoin maximalist myself I just cannot understand why so many Bitcoiners are unable to meet people at the point where they are at.
You have to understand them. You have to explain were you see current problems in the fiat world and especially on which opinions and underlying values these are based on. You have to answer their specific criticism or perspectives they have adequately.
You cannot just stand there, being so far far away from their daily life reality and have otherworldly opinions and be dismissive and call them "asleep". This would never ever work.
and this is what I tried to do with everyone, which is not easy. you assume too much but you are right
sometimes they make a move and start digging sometimes never. when I say try I fail most of times but manage for some 😆