Holding bitcoin doesn't make me a good person. It doesn't make me a smart person.
Holding is for people who know they're not smart and we're all full of shit in that regard.
Yes, there is disappointing hypocrisy in all corners of human existence and we're lucky that Bitcoin is a roach motel for our weaknesses, once we've set the terms, there's no going back and Bitcoin is effectively immortal. Make a change, most of us will ignore it.
Rules, not rulers, unless it's Ordinal Inscriptions and then, despite the rules permitting it, hypocrites start wanting their opinion of utility respected and their rules obeyed.
An open censorship resistant PubSub/store and forward network, and it's initiator is up in arms and attributing their opinions of a use case to the protocol.
Aye, we're all for our freedoms, but woe betide any that uses those freedoms without respecting our responsibilities.