I honestly don't reflect those values you seem to think everyone has. Not everyone thinks like you.
You confuse the importance of money for the importance of a payment network. Payment networks come & go and are upgraded all the time. Of course "Technology" is more important than the current payment network.
Money, however, is orders of magnitude more important than "technology." How could it not be? You use money on the other half of every trade you make! Buying a MP3 player? You trade money for technology. And all your food. & your housing. See where I'm going with this?
Money is also speech. It's important in so many things that of course governments have to try to control it and spread lies like "money is the root of all evil." - In truth it is the opposite... You can't do much good without money!
At it's root, money is nothing less than the only tool we have to keep things "fair" between humans. Without money there is war over resources, with it there can be equality. -At least with hard money, not this fiat pansie shit we have today.
Fix the money, fix the world. - It's not just a clever slogan.
Hmm. If bitcoin wasn't a payment network, it wouldn't work. We've already had hard money and a gold standard. Gold is not a payment network. That money (gold) was corrupted by being brought into a centralized network lacking transparency, and stamped with the authority of the state.
If bitcoin was not a payment network, nothing is different. There's no way to enforce rules. There's no decentralization. Its brilliance is that it flips the dynamic and as a decentralized payment network (as well as a hard money) with transparency, brings currency into ITS system. That currency is whatever quotes it. That's the Trojan Horse.
Fix the money fix the world is an ambiguous statement. Fix means something different than replace.