I don't like maximalism, what does it mean anyway People must be really desperate to put bitcoin at the first place in their lives ... Family, health and friends are way more important.
Well, guess you must be new around here. Correct me if I am wrong.
I think when considering the fork wars; consistent uninformed attacks on bitcoin from mass media or bankers; being put into the same pot as shitcoins; your own social circle not showing any interest in this "magic internet money"; people not getting absolute basics like "not your keys, not your coins" and everything else that happened between now and 2009, it's not surprising people got really toxic about bitcoin, lol
You start to just not give a fuck about people anymore and ultimately become a "toxic bitcoin maximalist" since most won't listen anyway.
Kind of like a spin on:
You either die as a hero or you live long enough to become the villain

Now, I don't want to say that I am an OG or anything (I only really started to look into bitcoin in 2020) but I know my view on the toxicity changed over time.
Now I can see that it's just people trying to tell others to not do the same mistakes over and over again and getting really fed up with stupid stuff like 20% APY lol

Family, health and friends are way more important.
Also I am not sure if this was ever part of the question.
I think you can be a "toxic bitcoin maxi" and still put family, health and friends before bitcoin.
now that I read this again ... actually quite funny to write this in 2023 and now even getting tipped sats for it
damn we have come a long way
I just wish I started digging into bitcoin earlier but don't we all haha
bitcoin for ennemies, bitcoin for opponents
I entered "bitcoin space" in 2014. Me too I'm trying to "wake up" family and friends on what is money and importance of self sovereignty and privacy. But I feel sad for "maxis" that turn bitcoin into their religion, they loose their objectivity and criticism. But there are many communities of communities in bitcoin and it's hard to know if we talk about same people.
Me too I'm trying to "wake up" family and friends
You see, that's where the problems begin. Nobody has to "wake up" because nobody is asleep. As a non-toxic Bitcoin maximalist myself I just cannot understand why so many Bitcoiners are unable to meet people at the point where they are at.
You have to understand them. You have to explain were you see current problems in the fiat world and especially on which opinions and underlying values these are based on. You have to answer their specific criticism or perspectives they have adequately.
You cannot just stand there, being so far far away from their daily life reality and have otherworldly opinions and be dismissive and call them "asleep". This would never ever work.
and this is what I tried to do with everyone, which is not easy. you assume too much but you are right
sometimes they make a move and start digging sometimes never. when I say try I fail most of times but manage for some 😆
9 years of trying to take them up?
For those who believe God as well
Yes. 🙏 Forgot about the laws. I just saw your offline.cash Medium write up. Was great. Interesting product. Oddly that's the first review of it I've seen.
Wow thanks. Yeah that product is flying under the radar. Would be cool to see an offline solution to reach those in rural and poor areas.
Religion has nothing to do with bitcoin, but feel free to project your religious views onto magic internet money.
I think that the "honest weights and measures" thing is very much common to bitcoiners and christians.
What isn't common between them is cultish manipulation. Oh, there is a few, and it might be said that some of the more zealous bitcoin maxis are verging on cultish but really, it is unsuitable material for cult insider/outsider separation, "bitcoin is for enemies" kinda makes it a central tenet of the "maximalist religion" that disagreeing, on everything, is one of the highest attributes of a maximalist.
Religion and the real laws of nature also are not fully overlapping things either. But the real religion is all about abiding by the real laws of nature.
Not projecting anything. My beliefs are for me. I’m not telling anyone what to believe or not.
That’s not true!!!! You have these no KYC bros guilting people for using bitcoin in a KYC manner. It’s no different than a Christian guilting others for being non believers. I know most no KYC bros mean well by trying to protect those from the lack of privacy that comes with KYC but the approach is terrible and very cultish.
Cant take care of any of those if they steal all your wealth.
но за будущее твоих внуков думать нужно...
I can understand how it was important, especially in the beginning to have hyper dedicated and obsessed people to keep the nascent thing healthy, kind of like the early radical jewish sect of christians who gave their lives for their beliefs, but as it grows it needs a lighter more palatable touch to proliferate. Not people like me using slurs.