and why?
On twitter and nostr there have been some discussions about non-custodial vs custodial. Your insights are appreciated!
Easy. SN to receive, alby to send. I should point out I don't use mobile.
Thanks for the response. Is there a reason you do not use a mobile?
I have a mobile phone. I'm just trying to use it less, and from years of experience I know I waste a lot of time on social media apps. I don't want that to happen to me with nostr. I want it to be a more deliberate experience. Also I'm getting old and my eyesight isn't what it used to be!
I've used the stacker news wallet and wallet of satoshi. Both custodial, but easy to use and smooth connection to several nostr clients.
Yes, i have experienced the integration with WoS and Nostr myself. The non-custodial options are not that smooth yet.
Muun, is the best lightning and bitcoin wallet, fast and easy payments
Uso mi dirección de Stacker.News.
Muun, because it's simple, easy to use and fast
Satoshi wallet is simple