So you still want people to be dumb and don't know how their own money works... right. And you name this "progress". Mass-adoption will happen only when most of the people KNOW how Bitcoin works. You will not have adoption with dumb people.
No, you misunderstand me, which at this point is par for the course with you.
I don't want people to be dumb and not understand. But I do want dumb people who don't understand to still be able to use bitcoin. I want Bitcoin to be easy enough to use that dumb people who don't understand it can still use it.
Obviously I would prefer that everyone take the time to research, read and understand it as much as possible, but I don't want this to be a requirement for using it to begin with.
Clearly it's beneficial for more people to understand the more technical aspects, but there are 8 billion people out there that need to be orange pilled, and I don't think it's realistic to think every one of them will delve into the rabbit hole. So while I support any and all efforts to expand Bitcoin education and encourage everyone to be as knowledgeable as possible, I also understand that making Bitcoin easy enough to use for those that will never take the time to do that is essential.
Not understanding bitcoin doesn't make someone dumb dude. There are tons of brilliant people who don't need to understand anything about bitcoin in order to benefit from it. We don't need an entire planet of economists and cryptographers and programmers, we need the whole gamut of human activity, and all of them can benefit from Bitcoin, so let's ensure they all have access to it.
8 billion people out there that need to be orange pilled
No, Bitcoin is not for everybody. Is only for people that really want to be free and learn. Yes, many people will not use Bitcoin, and that is fine. HFSP for them. At this level I really don't care anymore about idiots.
Yes, Bitcoin is for everybody, and no, not everyone will get into it for the same reason you did. Some will get into it because they want to get rich, some will prefer the payment mechanisms it offers, others will like the idea of self custody, while still others will just be trying to shield their wealth from inflation. There are those who will use it to hide wealth, and those who will use it to track wealth, some will use it because they're unable to use anything else, and some will use it just because they like the tech behind it. There are a million reasons why someone might use Bitcoin and your opinion about the legitimacy of their reasons or level of understanding is of no consequence at all.
The benefits of having a massively bigger network effect thru usage at the lowest levels of understanding vastly outweigh any potential drawbacks from misuse by a few.
Therefore, everyone benefits when Bitcoin becomes easy enough to use that anyone can use it. And we will get there, even if we have to drag visionless, ivory tower, walled garden pricks along kicking and screaming the whole way.