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When I see that BTC is down, I get excited. Sats are on sale!!!! The more bitcoin I can buy with my salary from my fiat job the better. And the more other plebs can get. NGU is great for getting people into Bitcoin, but NGD is better for building this out.
Either way, up or down, I'm here for it. LFG!
NONE. Only fuck the banks and govs. I don't give a shit about the price.
I like them both. Red means cheaper sats which is exciting. Green means the cheaper sats bought yesterday are already growing in value, which is exciting. I have a goal to stack 50M sats this year, so this pull back from 25k has been nice for me to get ahead of the pace a bit in case we get another run up.
Red. That means I can buy more Bitcoin. I don't need a green candle to get any validation. I know what the end game result is here.
Red and green gets too tiring emotionally and mentally. I switched to a gray line
а что цена биткоина как он влияет на его покупку? не думаю... просто можно купить больше... или сделать зарплату такой?
Don't really care much. I'm exchanging USD and EUR for sats and lits a couple of times a week regardless of the color of the graphs. I'll keep doing that as long as I have a fiat income.
prayer candles
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