Sphinx Spotify Fountain
Want to move 100% to fountain but I have two issues
  1. It’s a power hog
  2. Stops playing randomly in the background. Need to kill the app
I’m exactly the same - want to move 100% to Fountain but have those same issues. End up reverting to the Apple Podcasts app.
Actually had power issues with Spotify on a previous phone which made me cancel my subscription.
Thanks for your patience with these issues - we are constantly improving the power usage (streaming sats per min does affect it!).
We have a big update coming this week that has a lot of performance improvements which will help with the battery.
On the audio cutting out - we have a complete re-write of the audio library coming in the next few weeks which will fix this - until then just make sure your episodes are downloaded before playing and this issue should not appear.
Thanks for the feedback. I think people choose to stream to avoiding bloating your disk space with so many episodes. I found it confusing on how to delete episodes you no longer wanted on your device
btw @MerryOscar - I love the feature that I can "re-sync" to delete all the data on my phone. You might want to separate that specific feature from the re-sync and reset tags feature.
Another thought - it's likely not a high priority for your devs, but when I use the Fountain app on my M1 Mac, the login link that comes to my email doesn't open the app. It opens a 404 in Safari