Oscar here from Fountain - please do feel free to comment with any feedback / feature requests you want to see - we will get to them!
Some issues we're aware of / working on already:
  • Battery Drain - We are constantly improving the performance and have a big update coming this week that should really help.
  • Audio Cutting Out - We have a complete re-write of our audio library coming in the next ~6 weeks that should fix this issue. Until then please just ensure episodes are downloaded.
As well as these performance issues have loads more cool features coming soon - thanks for your patience / support! 🙏
Oscar, thanks for popping in! I'd like a 'sync' button at the top rather than in the ellipsis menu and also the option for opening to the podcast page by default.
On the search page, having the episodes and shows in different "tabs" would be nice - with the ability to sort by popularity or recency. Hard to search for a particular episode without those qualifiers
Thanks for the feedback!
  • sync button at top - rather than this we plan to keep in the ellipsis menu but add pull to re-sync as a lot of people have requested this.
  • default open to podcasts page - we think over time the discover page will surface great content from episodes, but a lot of people have requested it so we might offer the ability to set it as default with premium.
  • search results in different tabs - yes great idea - like how we do for Fountain search on the discover page?
  • sort / filter searches - on our backlog!