in addition to recent and top and jobs there can be another top level menu 'like minded zaps'
Like minded lists all the posts with the hashtags that i have liked most in my life time and authors who post on those my liked hashtags and those authors posts whom i have liked multiple times . Weightage is assigned like
To open this menu i need to zap at least 5 different posts
the % of time i have zapped satoshis for that hashtag amongst all other hashtags - there may be hundreds of hashtags and i have zapped for #nostr and #coding say 2% and 3% each of my total zaps - so for each hashtag i have a hashtag weightage assigned - my account will be associated with only my top 5 hashtags
The posts under this section like minded zaps are displayed in such a way that the post with maximum TPW is displayed first as the First 5 posts
The next 3 posts will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with highest HW
The next 3 posts will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with highest AW
The next 3 post will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with the highest AHRW
The next 3 post will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with the highest AHRW
Out of the 12 recent posts some of the posts will start gaining more zaps and satoshis and thereby gain more visibility in the section 'like minded zaps'
Stacker News improvement proposals
HW hashtag weightage
myhashtags - each accounts will have 5 hashtags added to their account dynamically based on my zapping posts ( In future weightage can be added for the myhashtags of authors whom i follow
AW author weightage
AHRW author hastag reputation weightage
PRW post reputation weightage
TPW total post weightage = HW x AW x AHRW x PRW