This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Brining my best friend on to Lightning using lightsats going to recommend the breeze wallet for now
Oh boy, I planned such a fantastic meme for meme monday 👌👌
i just found two threads in recent which were more than 30 minutes old and hadnt gotten any upvotes even tho it was something you would expect to get upvotes. i think the first one to upvote something that gets upvoted later earns some additional sats. but not if he spam upvotes
I'm still very excited that my first real reason and want to spend some sats is to actual individuals rather than simply purchasing items at a large corporate retailer. Even if it's mostly small amounts, it still feels nice being able to send value just for engaging in conversation to actual people rather than funnel it up to the top of some wealthy company that already has a stranglehold.
That or buying a gift card for a purchase I would have made, and supporting a Bitcoin business, rather than being able to send those sats straight to Jeff Bezos so he can spray a Captain Kirk with champagne.
Good morning and Pura Vida!
Thanks for the community!
I would love to eat some Gallo Pinto right about now
Pura vida
The pinned thread can stay on top? Instead it keeps moving down?
I would prefer it to be always on top, with 24-hour rolling comments.
Basically a window of one day of posting.
I have been watching Westworld and the NPC meme is a little too real lol.
Been reading about projective geometry and this vid about elliptic curves is pretty cool.
Apparently there isn't a clickable way to lock a Windows machine.
Win+L does the job with the keyboard, but with mouse only I don't think there is a way.
In Windows 10:
  • left-click the Start button
  • hover the mouse over the power button
  • left-click the username at the top of the list
  • left-click Lock
Part of me thinks that a hydro electric power plant has a much bigger impact on the environment than a nuclear power plant does.
For example if a dam bursts you are kinda screwed, but also when you take it into operation, especially the big ones that can compete with nuclear power, they have to flood a massive area behind the dam as far as i understand. Nuclear power is just a really warm reaction that produces heat in a really small area. Its the containment buildings and safety mechanisms that take up space (which is what they didnt have in chernobyl, but they did have it at Fukushima, and in fact there was 3 meltdowns at Fukushima but only 1 single dokumented case of ilness as a result after all these years :) and fukushima is inhabited by about 200k people, they were only evacuated initially out of an abundance of cautation but could return immediately caus the powerplants safety mechanisms worked and prevented another chernobyl despite being hit by the largest earthquake in history and then a goddamn tsunami and experiencing 3 meltdowns compared to chernobyl which was only 1. And how did germany respond? they decided to shut their nuclear power program even tho Fukushima showed that even under the worst circumstances nuclear power is safe..) thats all. TKHAGKJSDHGKJDSH
It's a question whether flooding large area is good or bad. It's different... there are pros and cons. For example dams notably reduce effects during weather based flooding, so less people die, dams can bring tourism and stabilize the towns/cities around it...
agree there
You're right. I think hydro is only practical for existing dams by harnessing wasted power. For that it's a great method.