I love how "privacy advocates" use Apple products... Is just hilarious.
Android vanilla devices are not far from iShit devices. The google penetration is fucking insane.
If you really want to use a decent mobile device at least de-google it.
Today you have multiple options. There is no excuse for not using a de-googled device.
Lineage, Calyx, Graphene are covering all needs.
Also I see people installing one of these open OS but then go and install google services. It's fucking insane.
GrapheneOS is amazing.
I'm running everything I need and I don't even use the Google Play Services compatibility layer app.
Having said that, even if you install those Google apps on GrapheneOS, they don't have more privileges than any other app, so you can just revoke access to whatever you want, and it behaves.
On a normal phone Google can do anything to everything without you knowing.
I recently switched to GrapheneOS from iOS, since I was getting pretty tired of Apple's privacy LARP. In general, it's been such a huge downgrade for me, but I'm willing to stick with it to give it a fair shake. The thing that bugs me the most is just how many apps (especially ones I consider essential, things like Lyft) require google play services. At the very least, they can be sandboxed, but I'm finding myself significantly more googled than when I started
Services like Lyft often offer a web app. I've tried Uber and it works perfectly well on the browser. No need to install any Google stuff.
Interesting, didn't know that. Assumed since it's so reliant on maps that they needed a native app. Thanks for the info!
Good. Also is clear that you do not run Muun. Muun cannot be installed without google services. 100 sats for that.
BlueWallet and Blixt run perfectly fine in GrapheneOS without Google Services.
Yes. And many others. OBW, Electrum, Phoenix, Zeus, Breez.
Also WoS and ZBD do not work without google services.
When you don't have Google Play services, correct me if i am wrong, but you lose Firebase, thus the ability to receive push notifications from apps like WhatsApp. I think Signal has an always on background service running, always listening on notifications, but that is much more battery heavy and additionally, creates more load on their servers. Also many other apps entirely rely on Firebase for push notifications.
Lol in 2023 you still use those crap apps like whatsup and signal? Your life will be mucb better without them
Wow, you're hardcore!
You'll be surprised to find out that some of us interact with 'normies'. We have family and friends who don't have the time, money, or attention to get a new phone that can run an alternative OS, install a 'perfectly secure' messaging system. Whatsapp and signal are pretty good. People are already using them, it's easy to share photos etc.
And what's wrong with signal?
It depends on how each app implements it:
I think if you download the apk from WhatsApp it doesn't rely on Google to push notifications.