“…the temptation to pick a measure that tells you what you want to hear can be overwhelming, even if you think you’re doing your best to avoid that.”
“…I don’t see how the Fed can avoid continuing to raise interest rates until it’s more or less unmistakable that inflation is coming under control. On the other hand, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to panic. The Fed is creeping its way forward through a dense data fog, and this suggests to me that it should avoid drastic moves in either direction.
And for our part, economic observers may want to take a deep breath and cool some of the rhetoric. The truth on inflation has gotten harder to discern, and that fog isn’t something a clash of egos is going to clear away.”
This nobel prize winning imbecile wrote a long editorial which can basically be summed up as "I don't have a clue about money, the economy, or inflation, and neither do my friends."
This is the same overpaid clown who wisely predicted in 1998 that "by 2005, it would become clear that the Internet's effect on the economy is no greater than the fax machine's."
How does he still have a job?
Same es Super GFC Hero Helicopter Ben. Keynesian clowns, rewarded by their political camarilla
For anyone that want to thoroughly demolish Krugman's ideas there was a great podcast that has 225 episodes and a book.
I learned a lot from both. Not only is he wrong, it is wild how dishonest this dude is.
A podcast with Bob Murphy and Tom Woods, I don't know about? Sign me in! Thanks for the recommendation.