Dear friends, after a long run, we decide to open the test environment in late tomorrow, 26th Feb. It would be a test version serving test coins. The testing would be in around 2 weeks for ramping up and issue fixing.
After that, we would open the production environment.
Any issue or question, welcome to contact in the space, or file an issue in
As it is a test version, we still have work to do:
Refresh the first page to apply the right search result for stores and goods
Notification system is still being worked on. It doesn't work yet in the test version.
Any other issue, please let us know.
For desktop and iOS version, due to work load, we would not release at this moment. We might try to relase iOS version in this first half year, due to Apple store review.
Did you drop support for shitcoins? Did you support LN? If the answer is NO, is useless. There are many other options out there.
We have always supported Bitcoin and will support LN in the future. Because we think LN is a strongly amazing function. suitable for small amount payments. But we are not bitcoin maximalists.
But we are not bitcoin maximalists.
We just want to promote crypto in people's daily lifes , and don't mind rich or poor.