Well… we are at .01% penetration. That's just one out of 10,000 people who have been convinced to become Bitcoiners.

The specific number is arbitrary. It could be .01% or it could be a whopping .05% adoption rate. The point is, we are ridiculously early.
Here’s summary of what the .01% adoption rate means:
250,000 Bitcoin Maximalists out there, defined by holding 50% of net worth in bitcoin. This is measured out of 2.2 billion total people. Why? Because he only accounts for people with $10,000-plus net worths. We are talking about storing our wealth in bitcoin, not measuring the medium-of-exchange network.
250,000 divided by 2.2 billion equals .01%.
“Everyone gets the price they deserve,” right?
As Bitcoiners, we believe the old system is fundamentally broken. We have an opportunity to build a new system. A fair system. A system that will remain long after we are gone. But in order for our new system to work, we need to fund that system. We need to defund fiat. How do we do that? We give people the opportunity to vote with their money, to opt out. But they won’t vote with bitcoin until they understand Bitcoin.

This is my story, and this is how I believe we get the masses onto Bitcoin.

It’s been so long that I can’t even remember how I viewed the world before I was a Bitcoiner, which is a problem. It makes it extremely hard to see the world through a non-Bitcoiner’s perspective.
To me and you, everything can be related back to Bitcoin. It’s obvious. And I mean everything, just ask my ex-girlfriend.
Climate crisis? Bitcoin fixes that. Inflation crisis? Bitcoin fixes that. Food crisis? Bitcoin fixes that. Authoritarian crisis? Bitcoin fixes that. Shitcoin crisis? Bitcoin fixes that.
Honestly, when I reflect back on it, I can’t exactly put my finger on the moment I reached escape velocity. It feels like I’ve always thought this way. So, if I can’t crawl back out of the rabbit hole, where do I go next?
I try to tell as many people about my epiphany as possible. I truly believe that Bitcoin can fix everything and I want the people closest to me to see what I see. I don’t want to be the only one sailing into this blue ocean of opportunity after this system collapses.
But, this is what happened…
I started with those people I cared about the most. My mother, my sister, my best friends, etc. and to a certain extent, this worked. This is what I call a “forced pill.” They listened to me make my pitch on Bitcoin and then they invested. It was in hindsight that I realized they invested money because they trusted me to make them money.
Some of these forced pills actually converted people around me to reach escape velocity and become part of the .01%. But this was definitely an anomaly.
Why? Because they don’t care about the movement. They treat bitcoin just like anything else in their portfolios.
This is why shitcoiners can get so many people into their tokens, they force-pill them. Some really good, scum-bag marketer gains said person's trust and then they sell them an “opportunity switch” (in layman’s terms, an opportunity switch is: “old doesn’t work, my new way does”).
To that said person, it sounds like an opportunity to make a lot of money. Bitcoin’s pitch doesn’t revolve around money.
Just because my advice came from a place of morality and righteousness, that didn’t change the underlying dynamics. The only difference between me and that scum-bag marketer is that he had to gain that person's trust before he could sell them the “opportunity switch.”
Same-same... but different.

With Bitcoin still so early on its adoption curve, it seems that convicted Bitcoiners need an orange pill of their own.
If you’re going to keep force-pilling people, use the concept that fiat doesn’t work, but that Bitcoin will.
And keep it that simple.
The power and strength of #bitcoin my lord. 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑
I relate to forgetting how you perceived the world before bitcoin, and it does make it tough to talk to people