Not sure why this is relevant. I have no interest in censorship or telling people what to put in their profile.
Then don't tell people you don't know how to run their own country, who like 90% of the citizens voted for... You know, that word you all on the left like to scream only when it benefits you. Democracy.
I've never seen a bitcoiner so excited about coercion and the authority of the state. Truth is you'd justify any rights violation or atrocity for NgU, which in this case is odd because El Salvador won't provide that.
And I'm not sure why you keep using left-right political party talk either. I find people that vote for either to be lower IQ types.
Why don't you invite them to come live with you then.. Petition El Salvador for some of the prisoners to be refugees to come live with you.. Come on man, be that humanitarian you claim to be, against the evil salvadorans who voted for him to stop those people... Come on... Walk the walk buddy.
hummm... no reply here either... hummm... i wonder why...
Dude, you are not near as smart as you think you are. lmao
I'm waiting to feel that way, because relatively speaking, you've offered nothing to make me feel otherwise.
You will never feel that way because you are too dumb to realize just how dumb you are.
So people voting for him to do this... after he said he would.... is now authoritarian LMAO LMAO LMAO
Why no reply to this comment buddy?
LOL geez you really are dumb
You're not proffering any arguments. You're using insults, anger, and voting rolls to justify someones post-election behavior. Very low-resolution stuff.
That's how you talk to stupid people… You have trouble understanding reality, so you have to jazz it up.