Changelog because OP missed it:

v0.7.3 Highlights

QRCodeScanner: import QR code images from gallery Biometrics login Channels: view pending and closed Channels: force close channel timer display Fast node switching LNURL-auth: LNDHub: compatibility mode for Alby and BlueWallet
What's Changed
Bug fix: ZEUS-1260: routing fee totals being multiplied by @Talej in #1281 Clipboard: handleAnything cleanup by @Talej in #1291 POS: Reconciliation by @kaloudis in #1294 Unified Invoice: don't display until both on-chain + LN invoices are loaded by @kaloudis in #1308 QRCodeScanner: import QR code images from gallery by @shubhamkmr04 in #1296 c-lightning-REST: Fix wrong getChannels endpoint by @sha-265 in #1266 WalletHeader: SettingsButton: go to Nodes on long-press for fast switching by @kaloudis in #1309 Reproducible builds: update Docker image, use SHA256 hashes by @kaloudis in #1310 LNURL-pay: confirm button: use theme colors by @InnocuousFinch in #1313 Channels: force close channel timer display by @Talej in #1292 Pending/closed channels by @kaloudis in #1019 Images: add Lottie file support, new loading + payment indicators by @kaloudis in #1314 LNURL-auth: LNDHub: compatibility mode for Alby and BlueWallet by @Talej in #1305 Biometrics login by @channelninja in #1301 Security: Biometrics: show "require login after..." setting when FaceID enabled by @Talej in #1318 deps: use BlueWallet fork of react-native-qrcode-local-image by @Talej in #1335 Settings: Privacy: turn auto-read from clipboard off by default by @kaloudis in #1332 Channels: maintain channelsType state between renders by @Talej in #1317 ZEUS-1145: LNBits: received payments aren't displayed in Activity view by @kaloudis in #1333 ZEUS-1321: LNDHub: don't allow saving of account w/o creds by @kaloudis in #1334 LNC: add perm checks for custodial accounts by @kaloudis in #1331 QRCodeScanner: fix position of button overlay by @kaloudis in #1343 ZEUS-1339: views/PaymentRequest: handle Fee Limit percentage w/ comma by @kaloudis in #1345 ZEUS-1336: Initial load: only handle initial URL after node is fully initiated by @kaloudis in #1344 Routing: Forwarding history fixes by @kaloudis in #1347
New Contributors
@sha-265 made their first contribution in #1266 @channelninja made their first contribution in #1301
Great growth
I like the fancy new square clocking icon!
Import QR from gallery sounds good. Maybe I can get Zeus setup now. It didn’t want to read the qr of my c-lightning node last time I tried to play with Zeus couple months back
So you didnt try “copy/paste” instead of the QR code? Sure you where not trying to connect with gRPC and not REST?
I have clightning set up with REST service on my node, yes.