After seeing fiat currencies breaking down and people seeing hope by bitcoin, as has happened in Venezuela. After wars breaking out and people sending bitcoin to help their families as we can see in the Ukrainian conflict. There are still people thinking bitcoin is some kind of scam and look mockingly at you for investing in bitcoin.
Next time, don't tell them "to invest in Bitcoin". That is such a bullshit term and that's why they look at you with weird face. Bitcoin is not an "investment". Bitcoin is freedom money. If you want to consider an investment, it should be the investment in your future freedom. Bitcoin is energy money. You buy BTC so you can store energy for future use.
Just send them my guides and in special these ones:
Those people are what are known as Midwits
I was like, is that some kind of higher level nitwit? 🤣🤣
I told my flatmates I would give them 20% discount if they pay me back in bitcoin. They owe me money because I bought most of the stuff we all can use.
Both asked immediately for my IBAN lol
everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve
People do.
Instead of talking about what bitcoin is and how it works, or should you invest in it, I've had success talking about the problems current monetary/payment systems have globally.
It's hard to disagree that people under authoritarian regimes need an escape valve if they are being oppressed using their financial system.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion as for me and my family "we stay humble and stack sats."
A friend of mine told me that this phenomenom is actually a good thing. As long as those people or Midwits have this opinion you should keep buying. But when even the Midwits start buying, somewhere around the next peak probably, it's time to cash out.
But when even the Midwits start buying, somewhere around the next peak probably, it's time to cash out.
Let me guess, it was your trader friend, haha
Don't time the market. You'll never know how insane the peak will be.
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