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Daily earning is live. 🎉 All trusted users should have by now also received backpay - that is, all the sats SN has earned to date was paid back to the best users, proportional to how well they're trusted.
From now on, at least for awhile, 100% of the sats SN earns from ~jobs, posting fees, and boost will be divvied up daily, and sent to SN's most trusted stackers. It might not be a whole lot at the moment, but as the site earns more, the people who make the site valuable will be proportionally paid.

How it works

It's pretty simple. We sum up all the sats we earn each day, then multiply it by how well a user is trusted relative to other users. That is, <daily sats earned> * <a user's trust>/<total trust of all users>.
Right now, trust is kind of a blunt measure. Many users are maximally trusted, but over the next week we'll be adjusting the trust metric to take into account how recently users have been trusted. That way, users who were most recently providing value are trusted more and earn more.


SN is valuable because of you so you should be paid. Unlike any technology before, Bitcoin allows us to do this for all contributions small and large. 100% is not forever sustainable, obviously, so it probably won't forever stay 100%, but it's 100% now because you're providing enormous value to SN as early users. You are SN.
It's also kind of cool. We'd fail as a company if we didn't try new things, using new technology available to us in new ways. I believe YouTube succeeded because it gave its creators back more than other platforms, albeit a small fraction of what it earns, so we want to do something similar. It aligns SN's incentives with yours and vice versa.
Let's gooooooo
First of all: thank you. This is so cool.
I believe YouTube succeeded because it gave its creators back more than other platforms
Correct. All those TikTok kids moving to youtube after getting famous is proof enough.
Very looking forward to how this platform will develop. I already feel "at home" like in the early days of internet forums.
If I compare the quality of TikTok with YouTube this seems like a desirable outcome. Although there is also lots of shit/quantitative content on YouTube too.
58 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 18 Mar 2022
it’s live! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
This was a great Tweet!
Total game changer.
@stacker_news now pays out 100% of their revenue daily to all users that create valuable content on the platform.
An incredible positive feedback loop is forming, one that uses a stream of sats to incentivize great content and accelerate SN adoption.
Can't wait to still be posting here in 10 years. Keep it up!
Let's see how long this works! 😅
lol asymmetric bets and all that
Fucking based
This is amazing. These are the first sats I've ever "earned" and man it feels good. So much better than my paycheck, albeit much smaller.
Also you cheapskates out there, set your default tip to 10 sats (in your settings).
I love it. Let’s go Keyan!
So cool. Now THIS is an experiment.
Question: <a user's trust> is this public? Can we see our own?
No, it's not public yet. It's crude right now and doesn't mean a whole lot. As we refine it we'll probably make it public. The important bit is that the more you contribute value to the site via quality posts/comments the more trusted you become and the more you'll earn.
не все основывается на заработке бро. есть более важные события. например, что важнее? сохранить информацию или передать? биткоин и это решает. но через время.
I know
This is really cool!
100% is not forever sustainable, obviously, so it probably won't forever stay 100%
Agree with this. Not sure how long this will last :)
You are SN
Holy shit! Just realized SN is also Satoshi Nakamoto. I mean I didn't link the two in my head :D
I didn't realize this either until @ThrillerX_ brought it to my attention. It was completely unintentional.
damn that was fast…
free sats! pretty darn cool..
This is really cool, thanks for the sats!
I will reserve my opinion till SNL
Great idea, I've had many discussions with fellow plebs about how social sites could work better in an uncensored way. This sort of system really encourages good posts. Keep being amazing @k00b!!
Can confirm its working, got some extra sats this morning
We really appreciate the work you're doing. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites!
This is amazing, thank you.
It also taps into to what’s going to become one of the biggest challenges with decentralized platforms like this: trust and reputation.
Seeing how this kind of “value for value” UX can incentivize quality, trustworthy content even MORESO than the initial tipping and boosting process is quite fascinating.
Thank you @koob. Feels like the start of something big.
Love to see the experimental mindset & approach, and the transparency on how the trust metric is imperfect but you’ll be working on improvements. Really cool stuff.
this is indeed the type of simple-looking innovation that we need around here. I've shared with users of sats4likes - :clap:
This is awesome!! Keep up the good work!
very cool, and here's 100 sats back to ya!
Well done thank you for such an amazing platform, I personally come on here multiple times a day I honestly just love it... Keep up the great work can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next...
Very cool, congrats on shipping this feature!
I just hope that bots won't take over SN soon.
If it doesn't work, we can turn it off.
But if we can't find a way for it to work, our ranking algorithm won't work either and we'll need to start building out moderation tools.
Amazing! Thanks!
Maybe I'm missing something ... I've looked throughout my Profile, my Settings, my Wallet, notifications ... everything. Including the FAQ, etc.
And I am at a complete loss as to where I am supposed to enter my SSN so that Stacker News can send me a 1099 for my yield earnings at the end of the year.
The video here shows @k00b talking the talk:
Not even two weeks later and he's walking the walk even more!
тут приятно находится. потому что боты не пишут по 1000 000 000 сообщений как спам. и поэтому видно только слова людей. мысли чистые. это паразительно бро! тебя сам сатоши наградил этим даром. благадарю.
Very cool Keyan!!