This might be kind of naive, but you could probably get a close approximation by counting how many inputs there are and multiplying it by the avg size of a signature.
I don't know enough about txs to say how accurate this would be.
I thought about that myself, but it really would not work as signatures have different sizes depending on time(as different encodings were used) and TX type.
You might think it is implicit that a person who helps you find X would receive a tip. But perhaps if you were to explicitly state that, you might find someone to respond with that specific information.
You have a very good point. I should have said that indeed.
Will keep in mind for future posts.
So there you can calculate the space that can be taken up by transaction. It gets difficult because not all blocks have only transactions in the payload.
Then you have to multiply with the byte sizes inside each transaction:
Unfortunately this can also vary...
Thanks, I did also end up there myself :p
I even found some python parsers online that do the job
The difficult part actually is to parse the input script.
If anyone else also wants to know this information it can be found at
I ended up asking @0xB10C on Twitter as he already had signature data on his website and added this new section :)
At the time of writing does not include Schnorr sigs, but its not really an issue as there are something like 1k Taproot TXs don't the netowrk.