Appreciate the feedback and thoughts. And if anytime you want to chat – would be keen to do so. I work at Mash yes!
The point of this site was to showcase an alpha/early version of Mash with something that folks might want to try out and find interesting – making fun of NFTs at the same time. Also why we did for the "future price of bitcon" – hacky meme sites for entertainment that we whipped together. Really go get feedback and have folks try it out (or take a look)
Account sign-up completely get. That's why we have email so folks can use protonmail (and not lose their funds)... but still it isn't perfect
We will be adding funding through lightning accounts + connections to nodes/wallets. It's all built that way just a timing thing – small, though unbelievably talented team.
To be clear, I think the UI/UX looks really well executed and I imagine I would eventually sign up for something like Mash, but I wanted to communicate my feelings as a non-early adopter in case that helped any.
Thank you! Seriously! This is the best way to learn, hearing everything you and all are feeling! Anything important that isn't 100% amazing, is our responsibility to improve the best way possible.
You get it! Very bullish on Mash now.
I'll give a Mash a try soon and relay any feedback I have.