We all know the term ”middle income trap" refering to emerging economies stagnating after a quick rise and not becoming rich countries.
I like to coin a new term inspired by that "mediocre software trap" refering to software that is good enough but not the best it could be.
I know this is common in the Linux world and annoys me greatly: Linux gaming exists but it is just barely annoying enough that few people game on Linux but good enough that nobody bothers disrupting the space. Gimp/Inscape are good software - but barely annoying enough to not replace Adobe but good enough that nobody wants to help the FOSS.
I know this at work. We have a sophisticated testdata workflow/pipeline that is good enough that people work with it but barely annoying enough that people get burned out by it. And nobody agrees to improving it.
I hope Bitcoin Software never gets there - including wallet apps etc. Everything is shiny and new now - lets see in 10y