This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
What happens to the money that was in Signature Bank and SVB? I guess it no longer exists, but then the government prints new money to cover the balances, but does this cause inflation? I mean the money is gone, and then new money is created to cover it. I guess thats not inflationary?
Also is anyone auditing the SVB and Signature Bank balance sheets? Does the government just pay whatever SVB and Signature Bank says was in their accounts?
Is there some kinda banking trouble in the USA right now or something?
Don't forget β€” Bitcoiners have already moved on to the post-banking era ourselves, so we don't care πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Just donated to some projects @
Watching world baseball classic and waiting for US futures to open so I can get a preview of the chaos.
charity live stream :3 I wish more charities accepted bitcoin but i guess thats on me to try and convince them haha.
Preparing for a flight to quality like never seen before. Institution were already coming to bitcoin. Expect acceleration!
Suggestion for change: The daily rewards as an average of more than 1 day.
  • Right now it feels like I got tipped for a viral post twice, which wasn't the goal in the beginning afaik?
  • Average of multiple days would incentivize being active for multiple days in a streak and be more of a reward for being active than individual posts/comments.
I'm not suggesting this for my own advantage, I just think it would be a better system. Hopefully, brainstorming about this topic is welcome again now that the dust on the current system has settled :)
cheers 🍻
Do we want to incentivize for being active or for providing good content? I think it's the latter.
If you word it like that that's a good point.
Hello world!
Can’t believe I let my tsa pre check lapse 😫
I can't figure the whole thing out. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. I flew to Aruba yesterday and will be here for a few days. I'm keeping an eye out for bitcoin use on the Island.
Yeah my gaff caused a tsa lady to yell at me for stacking my electronics in the bin πŸ˜†.
But safe travels!
They have different TSA rules every time I go to the airport. I'm convinced it's to mentally wear you down so you pay for precheck
Ahh yes the government shake down