We’re about to be hit with an avalanche of fearporn this week to do with banks and bank runs. Let’s just keep our heads down and keep building.
It really, really sucks for the people affected but don’t let the hundreds of stories which are about to drop distract you from hugging your loved ones, telling them how much they mean to you, and getting on with your day providing value to the world.
All the best stackers ✌️
I think the powers that be will do everything possible NOT to stoke fear. If I'm wrong and you're right, that will be incredibly bullish for bitcoin in the medium to long term.
I think outlets big and small will be absolutely frothing at the mouth for as many clicks as possible
But I sincerely hope you’re right 🙏
I have been surfing the web since I made that post and I think YOU are right. I can't believe how the MSM is spreading fear.
They love it more than anything, it magnetises their sites and broadcasts. We just witnessed years of it and I’m sure they want to pump those numbers again
Take care friend
Don't freeze when zero hour comes. Let's not have fear as the variable we make our decisions upon. That is something we learned from the pandemic!
Yes, it feels bit like January 2020 all over again and we’re reading some headlines about the cases in China.
Take care friend