The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
Swaps are momentarily turned OFF to squash a bug ... apologies in advance ...
To the user that took advantage of this bug, we would greatly appreciate if you share how this trick was done 😁
FYI if you come across a bug, please be an honest user and notify the public TG group!

Here's where the amount and the destination bitcoin address are discussed:
Swaps are OFF guys. We cannot have nice things. Someone has deliberately to stolen ~5 million Sats using some bug on the RoboSats codebase.
Not to deliverately expose anyone. This is the onchain address bc1qgm3gfntdzra8c6zt32lnwleky5juvautwja8ey if you are involved with this, I would very highly appreciate input on what was the procedure to get the trick done (I knew it was not too solid, but still...)