
This is not a how to get rich guide. No game strategy will guarantee you a win. Gambling is a form of adrenaline-fuelled entertainment, not a form of profit. Gambling carries a high risk of loss. Never gamble for money you cannot afford to lose. Never gamble on debt. Gambling is addictive. If you have difficulty managing your urge to gamble, seek professional help. One of the smartest men in modern history, Albert Einstein, said, "No one can possibly win at roulette unless he steals money from the table while the croupier isn't looking."
I play roulette for lightening satoshi at https://lightning-roulette.com/?rid=c23c5c2d You can also try it for free and no registration is required to play. Still, I recommend logging in via Twitter, otherwise you risk losing your deposit when the site closes.

Havana - Hotel Nacional

It may sound unbelievable, but in the middle of the last century Havana was a gambling paradise, with gamblers from all over the world flocking to its lavish casinos. The largest casino was at the Hotel Nacional. The owner of the hotel was the notorious American gangster Meyer Lanski, partner of Lucky Luciano, nicknamed "Mob's Accountant". After Fidel Castro succeeded with his revolution, Havana's casinos became history overnight and were nationalized. Lanski put a $1 million bounty on Castro's assassination. The bounty was never paid, Castro survived all assassination attempts and outlived Lanski by a respectable 33 years. Today, there are not many gamblers who remember Havana casinos and as memories fade, the old systems that were once played at Cuban roulette are being forgotten. The Hotel Nacional still stands in Havana today and is a popular tourist spot, but you can't play roulette there anymore. Today, most gambling is banned in Cuba.


The system works with an uneven distribution of numbers and may look complicated at first, but it's not that bad. However, the game requires more attention than the systems I've written about so far, and I recommend taking notes as you play. The game is divided into rounds, of which there can be an unlimited number. It is played with high and low chips. A high chip is always double the low chip. In the first round, the low chip is 1, the high chip is 2. In the second round, the low chip is 2, the high chip is 4. In the third round, the low chip is 3, the high chip is 6, and so on. We play by picking one dozen and covering all its numbers with low chips. If no number falls from our dozen, nothing changes and we continue with the same bet. If one of our numbers hits, we continue to bet high chips on that number while removing a low chip from another random number. If a number that we already have high chips on hits, the bet on that number remains the same, we just remove another low chip. If a number from which we have removed a low chip falls, we continue to bet high on that number and remove the low chip from another number. The moment we have no low chips left, the round ends and we can end the game or continue with the next round. Again, we bet the whole dozen with low chips and repeat the process.
For the sake of illustration, let's take an example in which I'll bet on the 1st dozen and take the low bets sequentially from 1. I took a screenshot before each round so you can see the distribution of bets, only on the 8th spin I forgot to save the bets before the roulette spin and only captured the moment when the number fell.
The first bet will look like this.
  1. spin rolls a 6, so we remove the low bet from 1 and place a high bet on 6
  2. spin rolls a 29 from the dozen that we don't bet on. For us, this means we leave the bets unchanged and continue playing until a number from our dozen falls again.
  3. ... 23
  4. ... 20
  5. ... 26
  6. ... 23 the numbers from the other 2 dozen fall again. I won't break down these spins here.
  7. spin, number 1 falls. Unfortunately, we removed the chips from this number, so we lose, but we're following the plan and from now on we're going to bet high on 1 and remove the low bet from number 2. You will notice that if there is a situation where the number we removed the chips from falls, our bet will increase by the value of the low bet. When the number we had the low bet on fell, the bet from another number was just "moved" to that number and the total bet remained the same. When it comes to a situation where a number on which we already have a high bet falls, our total bet will in turn decrease. This is good for checking back to see if we have bet correctly. (I forgot to take a screenshot before this spin, so the high bet is already on 1 and the low bet is removed from 2.)
  8. spin rolls a 12, so we raise the bet to 12 and take the low bet off the number 3
  9. spin rolls a 7, so we raise the bet to 7 and remove the low bet from 4
  10. spin rolls a 3, so we again place a high bet on 3 and remove the low bet from the next number, 5.
  11. spin rolls 33, we repeat the bets
  12. spin rolls 26, keep the same bets
  13. spin rolls a 4. Unfortunately for us, this is again a number from which we have already removed the chips. Nothing to be done, we continue as planned, placing a high bet on 4 and removing the low bet from another number, 8.
  14. the number 7 falls, finally a positive turn. We already have a high bet on 7, so we leave it there and remove the low bet from number 9.
  15. 14 falls, we repeat the same bets.
  16. ... 31
  17. 4 falls, we already have a high bet on it, so we leave it there and remove the low bet from number 10.
  18. ... 31
  19. ... 30
  20. ... 19
  21. ... 30
  22. ... 15
  23. drops number 11. It's the last number we have a low bet on. The moment all low bets within the betting dozen are removed, the round ends and we can either end the game or continue to the next round. As I wrote at the beginning, in each round the low bet is increased by 1 chip and the high bet is always double the low bet. Since I used a 50 satin chip for the low bet in this game, in the second round the low bet would be 100 satin and the high bet would be 200 satin. I chose these chips because of the color difference, because if I used bets 1 and 2, the screenshots wouldn't show where the low and high bets are. You, of course, can choose your bet according to your capital capabilities and risk profile.


As you can see, my game ended in a loss. Still, I find this system very interesting, and when I take into account how many times the number fell from which I had previously removed the chips, the resulting loss is quite low, only 600 sats. That's the cost per spin from the beginning of the game. You don't have to remove the low bets from the numbers sequentially. You can pick random numbers. If you can handle playing on 1 dozen, you can try playing on all 3 dozen at the same time. This will add balance to the system, but will require more attention and capital. If you look at what numbers were falling, there were a few numbers that repeated in the other 2 dozen that I didn't bet on. It took me a lot of time to prepare this piece, but I find this system the most interesting of all the ones I have presented so far and I think it would be a great shame if it were to be forgotten, as it holds a lot of potential.
If you missed the previous episodes of my series, you can find them here: #1 Martingale #147697 #2 Bond Bet #148729 #3 Superior #149812 #4 Sylvia's Choice #149821 #5 ATM #150309
Interesting. I have never seen this strategy before.