High taxes, inflation and war62.5%
Microsoft teams37.5%
No nonbinary BSDM toilets0.0%
8 votes \ poll ended
Very hard poll. And tricky.
If I answer 1 - taxes, inflation and war, that means I agree with that. I do not agree and I also do not participate into that. Not directly.
If I answer 2 - means that I use it, but I don't. So would that affect my daily business? No.
If I answer 3 - BSDM toilets... I don't even know what that means. I do not even use a public toilet.
Weird poll indeed 😂😂😂
Said in reverse; if you could fix one of the three problems, which would benefit the economy the most?
  1. No taxation. Simple and clear. No taxes = no wars = no inflation
The US basically has no taxation, its almost completely funded by inflation
Tell that to the hoards of sheeps that still pay taxes to IRS (also a fake institution).
Being stupid is expensive
Wait WTF? somebody voted MS teams? WTF is wrong with you people?
Hourly wage x number of people x could have been a mail = giant waste of money and resources
😂😂😂 Obviously you haven't been forced to use Teams
I prefer to quit a job instead of using MS teams 😂😂😂😂 fuck'em'all
я знаю но не скажу. вдруг ты будешь использовать мой метод против меня. ведь мой метод против фрс работает. сатоши?
биткоин как инструкция.