To make it more interesting, make at least two of the three at least somewhat petty things. All of us can answer broad generic things about freedom and sovereignty. I don't want this to be a contest of how is identify the most important attributes, more about personal things you care about. I'll start:
  1. Correct economic calculus based on pseudo-subjective / input-energy ratios enabling engineers to work on hard technologies that underpin the growth of all civilization with orders of magnitude greater expediency, especially at the early stages. Bitcoin is "shuts you the fuck up" technology that applies to everyone who fancies themselves an investor/thinker.
  2. Bathroom air blowing hand dryers will cease to exist and be replaced with paper towels. The air blowers aerosolize all sorts of germs, are rather noisy and unpleasant, but worst of all, their existence is underpinned by an "environmentalist" psy-op that devalues and humiliates people by implicitly telling them their time is worth less than the pennies those paper towels cost.
  3. With the time to value quality, people will no longer tolerate low r9, cyan gap, blue-phospor pump LEDs, and we will see the mass proliferation of violet phospher pump, high fidelity index LEDs -- this will happen largely through the fixing of principal agent problems in the design and manufacture of housing/buildings, while also allowing more investment into the hardware itself given the monetary premium of the land will vanish.
the only thing bitcoin fixes is yourself.
then you can go and work with others to fix more things.
well said!