The whole point of stablecoins is dumb and useless. I think people still don't understand none of these Taro and RGB when they put them in the same bag with "stablecoins"...
From some reason everyone talks about stablecoin usecase. I personally like the tokenized stocks, options and NFTs way cooler.
And gift cards
Gift cards ? That is a cool idea. I wonder if Taro supports it
yes, tokenized stocks is totally other case and indeed, Taro is designed for such thing.
Yes I agree, that is one reason why I am enthusiastic about it.
I understand why people have this reaction, but it is wrong for two reasons:
  1. Pseudo-anonymity + counterparty risk is superior to counterparty risk and zero anonymity. I have about 15k sats on WalletOfSatoshi, which is custodial -- suppose some 3 letter agency tells WoS to seize DiracDelta's WoS balance because they dislike this comment -- my opsec is not good enough that it's impossible, but it is not necessarily trivial. Censorship resistance is not an absolute, but about increasing the cost of tyranny.
  2. People have a view of hyperbitcoinization paths that are almost certainly making a fundamental category error, due to historical quirks around Austrian economics and certain monetary concepts that are flawed. I have discussed these in some detail and how they relate to Taro in a recent newsletter post. I do not claim no one else has brought up this notion, but I searched BitcoinTalk forums, reddit, twitter, etc. and could not find anything similar.
As relational contracts begin to emerge on Nostr with simple p2p markets, the nature of primitives of economic activity, inherent counterparty risk, and anarchic "governance" / rule of law enforcement mechanisms that protect private property without involuntary, legacy style governments will become more apparent.
For more you will use BTC as money, stronger will be. For more stronger will became will make all other fiat money weak and meaningless. For less value would have fiat money, less powers to governments will be. Less power, less tyranny, less governments.
Is so fucking simple, you just have to use Bitcoin every fucking day.
No, it's not so simple... because you need to think about futures and monetization to saturate demand. There are people who choose not to demand bitcoin because contracts are all dollars. We are 0.1% adoption for store of value, but maybe 0.0001% standard of value adoption.
It will happen regardless and I will remain all in with bitcoin, but the more people care to think deeply, the more likely tools are built that lead to faster adoption. And as we see with fiat, most people will do anything to avoid thinking. Bitcoiners in no way are immune to that!