Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
Keeps reverting to German.
Working on a new ⚡️lightning and 🟪nostr marketplace to allow creators all over the world to easily share and sell their digital goods online, quickly, privately and freely.
We just launched our landing page
We're building Bitcoin-backed credit lines (undercollateralized loans)
Problem Current Bitcoin-backed loan solutions are relying on overcollateralization e.g. 50% loan-to-value.
Solution We're building 99% loan-to-value loans that act as credit line for Bitcoiners. We take-on tremendous risk but plan to charge 1-3% per month interest to offset. We're also building a credit scoring engine that will pseudonymously keep track of good behavior so they can get better rates and terms.
Wanted to get feedback from fellow Bitcoiners about what we are building. Would you use such product?
I would use it. How will you fund the loans and will there be any restrictions on use of proceeds, or is the product basically like a credit card / unsecured line of credit?
Working on my Informational BIP that suggests a set of terms to refer to transaction parts.
Lined up a couple job interviews this week. Just prepping for those.
Update: today's interview cancelled. Prepping for tomorrow's interview now.
This one cancelled, too. Trying to reschedule for next week.
Good luck sir!
Made my first RoboSats trade, setting some friends up with wallets, and making some posters to advertise our Bitcoin Club.
At work, I'm trying to get Linux running on a machine that has neither screen/keyboard, IPMI, nor LOM. It has lots of ethernet ports, so SSH is the only option, but I can't get SSH working. This is rather difficult, because I have to plug the drive into another computer to make any changes. It's a totally non-interactive process.
Does your machine have a serial port? If you are building the kernel yourself, you can enable the serial console and connect with a terminal program from another computer, like the cavemen used to. Then get ssh working from there without messing around with moving the drive around.
The machine has a serial port, though I haven't figured out how to enable a TTY on that port. But I got SSH working today, so now I'm focused on other more pressing issues for this machine. But I'll have to revisit the serial port eventually, because that'll be needed in case SSH fails.
Fiat mines ⛏️
im still streamlining my non-fiat superchat system for my livestreams, wish I knew more so i wouldn't have to be blindly wandering through code i dont understand. The payment aspect is easy because it just uses btcpayserver. If i could make this a plugin for them and have everything all in one place that would be cool but I'm not very smart. It does work though. Just isn't a thing that can be deployed in one go which is what would be required to normalise it among other streamers
You might want to check lnbits to see if there's something in there that already accomplishes part of what you're trying to do.
started with options like that, not suitable, thanks for the suggestion
I'm moving, bleh. Continuing nostr stuff and hiring related stuff too.
I did a work related talk where the listeners were like "that's a really hard problem, that's close to impossible" and I was like "yes, I know, here's the plan".
Gonna make some Schwarzenegger movie posters into Bitcoin ads...
Making some business cards to start going along with book marketing.
Inheritance content / consulting side hustle
Just set up a start9, gotta upgrade the fans for the s9's. Need to flash the seed signer software, gotta flash brains os on one of the asics, gotta learn how to import my ghost blog to the node, will hopefully create a sats marketplace on nostr with ghost btc pay and lnbits.
Not sure what people would buy for sats tho......
maybe limited edition nostr badges, relay access, tasks from a microlancer?
Any ideas? It would be cool to see a sat marketplaces develop to enhance nostr, bitcoin gaming, bitcoin rewards by giving the earners places to spend their 50 sats.
-Reading/learning. -Orange pilling friends on an annual ice fishing competition. -Stack sats.
Running quantum mechanics calculations of a branched polygutamate peptide to estimate the optimal bond length and dihedral angle parameters…
While hopelessly looking for tenure-track faculty positions.
I am building a chat AI sandbox on Nostr so that people can collaboratively prompt AI models and discuss responses, using NIP-9000.
Minting a NFT collection to an international artist
I installing BTC pay server and I am trying to figure out how to fork or make and add-on for BTC pay server so that when a successful lightning network payment happens, a custom PHP code is executed. I would like to know if this is possible or someone has done something similar.
LNbits can call a webhook (any type of script) as soon an invoice was paid.
ahh I still need to learn a lot :) Thank you. I'll research LNbits