I hope you know that Alby can also hook into your own node. That's how I use it :)
I've read their pages on it, but I still can't work out if it connects just the extension to my node or my account to my node. Is it possible to do the latter so I can route zaps from my Alby address straight to my own node?
If yes, what happens to the sats in my Alby wallet? And can I still use it? It's the Alby wallet I used to sign up here so I don't necessarily wanna lose it now.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @bumi 8 Jan
You can connect the Alby lightning address to your LND node. But the UX is not as good as we want it to be so far. (current sats are not forwarded for example). We push for NWC there and it will become quite easy then.
let me know if you want to test it and need help.
I'm not sure how the account stuff works, I never used it. I just jumped straight to using my node. When doing it this way, you don't interact with their servers at all afaik
Yeah I just use one of the web UIs to do that personally. Only reason I'd wanna hook the two up is for the LN address. But I like how I got things setup now tbh, it's good psychologically to have separate spending and hodling wallets even putting the OPSEC and privacy element aside.