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I like being your own bank and layer two and three build out!
Nostr, Stacker News, and any other platform integrating lightning for fast microtransactions, combined with the strong community and skilled builders around those ecosystems.
That is how you onboard the masses for real.
couldnt agree more
No-coiners orange pilling themselves when they realize government's are lying to them.
The fact that current crisis could bring more higher net worth investors solely based on the custodial properties of bitcoin.
The LN development and adoption, the institutions coming, and the obvious fear of governments.
Not needing a bank account!
UseCases that occur when you mix LNbits extensions..
A lot what I'm excited about makes Bitcoin more accessible and practical to use:
  • Greenlight
  • Chaumian Ecash
  • Splicing for lightning channels
  • Privacy improvements on Lightning
  • Companies making full nodes that are easy to use
The potential of the lightning network and the many use cases still to explore. That still excites me, there is still too much to uncover.
Bitcoin gaming/Mining/Nostr
Just setup a couple S9's and a start9 embassy. You can run the Iris client and and relay from the node. Zebedee is integrating nostr and developing an interesting ecosystem of games connected to nostr and lightning.
How light it is.
Lightning makes me the most excited with the insane variety of use cases. The economic and philosophical reasons for Bitcoin make me excited, but in a more long term sort of way.