CBDCs are Davos' last big shot. If this fails (and it will like any commie crap failed) they will escalate social chaos. But people seem to be waking up like in Paris
I'm not sure people in Paris are waking up, exactly, but they sure are pissed off.
In the end You only need a critical mass of maybe 10% that understand what's going on and how they are played by these commies to bring change at a large scale. Now we have to see what happens when the euro economy collapses.
That I do agree with. 10% might even be too high.
There's something called the minority rule in economics that describes things like Kosher salt. Almost all salt is Kosher despite that only mattering to a very small percentage of consumers, but the compliance cost is less than the benefit of having those customers.
We might see a rapid growth of merchants accepting bitcoin with just a slight increase in the number of Bitcoin only consumers.
Cool that You remind me of this observation. It's a crucial law of psychology. Thanks a lot! I am getting older and keep forgeting more than I actually am able to learn. I think that's part of natural devolution...
"Trusted central authority" is an oxymoron.
It certainly should be, but sadly it isn't yet.
Quite incredible the amount of ‘selling’ these talking heads are having to do, when apparently it’s all in everyone’s interests.
Just build your new crappy currency, see if people adopt it, and then scratch your head when only the minority does. Or speak to your Nigerian counterparts, learn from their mistakes & skip the Orwellian sales pitch altogether.
Very worrisome. You'd think old people would be more cautious about stuff like that. And yet, it's exactly these old people from both parties that puck this kind of threat to privacy forward and forward