Price appreciation speeds adoption When bitcoin's price rises, it gets more attention, and becomes more widely known among no-coiners. This is true for individuals, corporations, and nations.
I disagree. Price increase gets a lot of low-conviction newbies. They are in it for the money, they'll go when price dumps and they spread missinformation about the fundamental values of Bitcoin.
I'd much rather have no price action and get more people that are in it for the ideals of a hard and decentralized money even if that means adoption is slower.
Everyone is low conviction when they first get into something. Conviction comes with time and effort. It comes more easily to some people than others.
Cycles are like waves of people. Lot's of people get dragged in on the wave, some people stay as the rest get washed out.
There are many stories of low-conviction newbies that became high-conviction maxis. Besides, it doesn't matter much what we'd rather, it's happening that way whether we like it or not. It's better to focus on what we can control rather than what we can't.