This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
How to get rich quick:
Step 1: Go live in a very low cost of living place, Step 2: Work for a company/person in a high cost of living place, paid in Bitcoin. Step 3: ??? Step 4: PROFIT!!!
Something tells me China and SA are not going to casually hold each others currencies as they are liabilities in the end. So something tells me there will be a demand for a common asset, or store of value, sooner or later. But lets see.
Another day wrapping up, apexing or just beginning depending where you are.
Seeing so many from all over the world embracing consensus that defies language, power structures or creed is truly mesmerizing.
Have a good one stackers. Time rolls onward.
Looks like Paypal closed the bill-pay option to double-dip on credit card rewards using the Fold card to payoff your credit cards (and mortage, etc)
Only workaround I could find is with Citi cards (double cash, costco visa) you can still call in and make a phone payment via debit card. Not as convenient, takes about 4m to navigate the prompts, but seems well worth it for the extra ~$25 in sats per $1250 (2%) in credit card spend.
Oscillating between coping and seething when I think of paying taxes
Just chillin with my kids and dog.
Having an instruction reading and execution day with VPN setup for my LN node. It seems to be working, so officially on clearnet (I hope). Let's see what the future holds :).
Looking for devs interested in building microApps on nostr. No for glory, no for profit... just to have fun building something useful. DM if interested
любая информация стремиться сохранится... вирусная распрострониться... секретная оставаться секретной... сделай приложение когда можно будет сохранять секретную информацию, а разблокировать можно только после того как там наберётся 0.001 биткоина или 1000 сатоши. вот например новая формула сгорания топлива, пишем её туда и приулалываем результат. а откроется она когда наберёт 25000 сатоши. или клад на 25 сатоши с маркером от местоположения...
Re: any information tends to be preserved... viral to spread... secret to remain secret... make an application when it will be possible to save secret information, and you can unlock it only after 0.001 bitcoin or 1000 satoshi is typed there. for example, here is a new fuel combustion formula, we write it there and attach the result. and it will open when it reaches 25,000 satoshi. or a treasure for 25 satoshi with a marker from the location...
Kind of a paywall for nostr-notes? Interesting 🤔 anyway... am looking for developers, not ideas to develop!
лень делать код... лучше придумать что то новое... ок до связи.
Have a great day SN! ⚡☕🧡⚡
Waiting for Bolt12 be like
I want easy static invoices. I want it so bad