This week, I wrote a letter for my relatives who are considering to buy bitcoin but have doubts. I use some stoicism also to write this down.
Other post related are:

Dear [Bob/Alice],
You're reading this because I looked it up and I think you're considering investing in bitcoin. As a bitcoin maximalist, I strongly believe that bitcoin is not only the best investment you can make, but also a way to embody the principles of stoicism and discipline. And this is why we shouldn't call this investment and call this of what it is: saving.

The power of self-control

The stoics believed in the power of reason and self-control. They believed that we should focus on what is within our control and accept what is beyond our control. Similarly, saving in bitcoin requires discipline and a long-term mindset. Bitcoin's price can be volatile in the short term, but over the long term, its value has consistently increased, protecting our wealth against inflation. By saving in bitcoin, you're accepting that short-term fluctuations are outside your control, but that over the long term, bitcoin will provide value.
As Marcus Aurelius, the stoic emperor of Rome, said,
The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.
Saving in bitcoin requires overcoming the fear of volatility and taking action towards your financial future. By taking action, you're advancing towards your goals.

Self-discipline combined with self-control

Discipline is also a key component of stoicism and save with bitcoin. The stoics believed in living a virtuous life through self-discipline and control. Saving with bitcoin requires discipline to save money and allocate it, so that can provide long-term value. It's not easy to save money, especially when there are so many distractions and temptations in our daily lives. But as Epictetus, the stoic philosopher, said,
No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.
Saving in bitcoin is a long-term commitment, and it requires patience and discipline to see its benefits. But once you're in, you can have peace of mind knowing that you've made a smart financial decision that aligns with the principles of stoicism.
In conclusion, I urge you to consider saving in bitcoin as a way to embody the principles of stoicism and discipline. As the stoics believed, we should focus on what we can control and accept what we cannot. By saving with bitcoin, you're taking control of your financial future and accepting the fluctuations that come with it. So, let us embrace the principles of stoicism and discipline, and save in bitcoin for a brighter future.

Help me to help you

If you have any doubts or questions about saving in bitcoin or how to get started, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm happy to help you in any way I can. However, I also encourage you to do your own research and educate yourself about bitcoin in general. Saving with bitcoin is a personal decision that requires careful consideration and understanding of the risks involved. So, take the time to do your own research, seek advice from trusted sources, and make a decision that aligns with your financial goals and values. Be certain, bitcoin is the best decision I made. Join us. Build your wealth with hard money.
Best regards,
[Your sign/name]
Help me to help you
Well said
Used this template for an open letter to precoiner I try to reach via a newletter dedicated them. thank you
Used this template for an open letter to precoiner I try to reach via a newletter dedicated them. thank you
First line... Starting wrong already! Bitcoin is not an investment.
Actually no, that's why I use investing like this. No investing, capisci?
Nop, please elaborate…
You're reading this because I looked it up and I think you're considering investing in bitcoin. As a bitcoin maximalist, I strongly believe that bitcoin is not only the best investment you can make.
I never said bitcoin is an investment. If I put italics, means I think is not an investment. A few lines later, I said:
...this is why we shouldn't call this investment and call this of what it is: saving.
Store of Value probably works better. Just my two sats there…