If you could only choose one of the options below, how would you invest your life’s savings?
Bitcoin only68.2%
Gold only0.0%
Silver only0.0%
Gold & Silver only0.0%
Bitcoin & Gold only18.2%
Bitcoin & Silver only2.3%
Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver only11.4%
44 votes \ poll ended
Relative purchasing power is important.
For the sake of simplicity, let's use the current dollar market cap of each of these.
Gold is 12 Trillion dollars. Bitcoin is half a trillion dollars. That's a 24x delta.
And yet, gold is riddled with monetary issues. Hard to verify. Hard to buy/sell without paying large premiums as an individual investor. Hard to self custody securely. Hard to secure. Hard use as a medium of exchange. Always trends toward centralization in order to mitigate all the issues I just listed.
So why can I buy 24x more with it? Bitcoin is objectively better in almost every way.
I will consider owning gold when it isn't so damned overvalued, and/or when Bitcoin isn't so damned undervalued. Until then, it's Bitcoin only.
I tend to consider all of those as money in and of themselves, not something to invest in. Though I suppose I can swap between them as their relative value changes. almost forex like
I guess futures and other derivatives based on them would be investments but I don't use any such tools.
how would you invest your life’s savings?
That is such a fiat mentality... You still have a lot to learn about what is Bitcoin if you still ask that. If you think that Bitcoin is an "investment" path / tool, you are on the wrong path.
“what would you store your life’s excess energy reserves in” - am I on the right track
Yes, but an easier way to say that is "What would you save in?"
Of the options listed, I only have Bitcoin. I guess that answers it
Maybe I'm lazy but
  1. I don't want to store/spend/buy/sell metals
  2. I don't want to trust someone else to do it on my behalf
  3. I want a money that has utility beyond wealth storage
  1. Gold mining is one of the most polluting and toxic activity.
Storing gold = literally killing people
I have a friend that he lived near a gold mine. He's the only one remaining alive. All his family members are DEAD from that arsenic pollution all over (water, plants, air).
Holy crap, Darth. Can't he prove the deaths were arsenic related and get that mine shut down?
Mostly in Bitcoin, a little in gold.
I'm fairly confident in Bitcoin, but gold is still good in the case where Bitcoin either outright fails (very unlikely) or runs out of steam in terms of adoption and use (a little more likely than the other case, but still very unlikely overall).
If we go back to a “shiny rock” standard- it will not be gold, it will be LEAD
Absolutely, in the walking dead scenario gold & silver are just dead weight
If I have to pick only one then I'll choose the one with the most optionality. I don't think the question makes sense.