@scott Can you talk some about how your family came up with the idea for SHAmory? I didn't find that particular story in "Our Story."
Happy to! We have a young toddler, who was a baby at the time, and recognized their was a huge gap in Bitcoin education for all ages, especially kids. As I learned more about the mining process, the connection back to the game of memory popped in my head. That was the spark plug for the initial card game. After that was so well received we wanted to keep expanding with fun things for all ages, so Goodnight Bitcoin was up next.
Hope this helpS!
It does help. Forgive the ad hoc AMA, but ...
What is the impact of having young children learn about Bitcoin? For instance, does it change the way they think generally or is it more like teaching them about computers and getting them ready for the future?
The more questions the better! In our opinion it’s more the latter. Just trying to put the seed in the back of their head. Even something as simple as hearing the word Bitcoin when you’re 2 or 3 can help bring comfort to the topic when you’re 10, 20 or 30. The book does loosely tell the story of Satoshi and introduces things like rewards, blocks, etc. our card game takes those concepts one step further. But at the same time you don’t need to know anything about Bitcoin to play.
Thanks for sharing! That makes good sense. I expect Bitcoin native children to have a leg up in the future.