Nutrition "science" is just the worst. There are so many conflicts of interest everywhere and you can't get anyone to follow any diet for more than a few weeks, much less get any quality long-term longitudinal data worth a damn.
So much anecdote gets repeated ad nauseum, it's really hard to know what to believe and what's placebo. Especially when you're dealing with young healthy people, many who happen to be on TRT, it's so hard to discern what's true effect.
You hear some people swear they reverse their coronary artery disease on X diet and I hear anecdotes from cardiology "influencers" saying they're seeing increasing numbers of young persons on X diet coming in with MIs on angiogram.
So much audience capture by people shucking their books, supplements, youtube channels and podcasts all trying to get onto JRE gravy train. Huberman is a good popular example of a productive scientist who seems to now sensationalize and embellish research results for popular consumption. Going to turn into the Dr. Oz of neuroscience.
My medical advice- eat whatever you want, in moderation. Don't be fat.