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With the current system, you have the following guarantees:
  • Governments will continue to go into debt ad infinitum
  • Central bankers will continue to print fiat money out of thin air ad infinitum which will devalue your money
  • Central bankers and Private Bankers will do everything to get you into debt because that is how you will be enslaved within the current system
  • Politicians will lie to you to protect the current system which serves their interests and those of a minority of the ultra-rich
  • Bankers will act in concert and will be protected by the system which is flawed by design.
I'll stop here, but be aware that the list is far from being exhaustive, unfortunately!
For all these reasons, we must look for an alternative system that is fairer for the greatest number.
For me, Bitcoin represents this system and is an opportunity to be seized.
What about you?
тогда нужно подумать о будущих поколениях... хоть по 100000 сатоши отложить и передать им))) а то через 40 лет где будут брать биткоин??? только на бестолковой работе... или еще чем заниматься....
I agree with most of this, except where you theorize intent.
Central bankers and Private Bankers will do everything to get you into debt because that is how you will be enslaved within the current system
I'm sure some pro-bank people twirl their mustaches like this, but I think debt enslavement emerges from fiat monetary systems even when they are started with good intentions. They want you in debt because they think it's good for them and the system (they all fancy themselves utilitarians) and they care about you very little on a relative basis.
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