Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
Mutiny :)
I'm working on a project to store sats or any other crypto in your favorite music which i can then cut on to a vinyl record, or record on to a cassette tape, or burn on to CD.
That's seriously cool.
I'm working in Outer Space. The space animations currently use CSS which use the CPU (slow) and are generally limiting. I've migrated to using threejs which uses WebGL and should allow Outer Space to do some more interesting animations ... This is all kind of extra but I'm trying to have fun.
I still need to get back to all the job applicants. Then I'm going to start working on NIP-05 for Outer Space and then the wallet.
A draft BIP for transaction terminology:
Amethyst just shipped polls, so I'm getting some r&r, looking for next project to work on
Working on a bitcoin educational website, very early in its progress
I started taking driving lessons. I'm hoping to get a few more lessons before my test.
Two different business cards with LN adress QR.
Just a side project to Practice React - a simple mortgage calculator. An interesting spin would be how much Bitcoin needed for the down payment.
Started working on nostrPilot, which will be my take on a nostr client. I'm not a big TikTok fan, but I do like the navigation and find the interface intuitive. So I'm trying to implement something similar in an Android/iOS nostr client. Just started, but have some fun ideas that I want to experiment with.
I'm a Youtube creator focus only on BTC, last week I did a video about the types of transaction on bitcoin, explaining from the 1 input 2 output to coinjoin txt and sharing some tips about privacy and the data that is share in every txt.
This week I'm doing some research for my next video, it'd be about the BIPs.
I am working on a nostrichat plugin for WordPress and a small app to practice react There are the links if you feel curious 🤙
I see very cool projects in the comments 👏👏👏
153 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 5 Apr 2023
i’m working on a few new designs and going to publish episode 2 of stacking sats tonight
Nice. Looking forward to episode 2.
Mining fiat and stacking sats while it's still easy.
Quality of life improvements for
Less builder-y and more talk-y but I'm also working on slides for my presentations at MIT Bitcoin Expo and btc++ later this month!
This week I'm focused on making faster, fixing some annoying crashes and working on some requirements to get ready for the first App Store release
Stacking sats.
все комментарии набрали... как видишь я был прав. так что скоро...