Yes, is good, but is not "the killer app". I always see people looking for the "perfect best wallet app". It is wrong. There's no such thing and you should not look for that in Bitcoin.
There are many types of wallet apps and each one will have its own best use case, for specific situations. That doesn't mean is the best for all situations.
As you said, Adam is looking for an app that is good for podcasting. Other user is looking for something simple, other one is looking for something more advanced and/or adding more tools etc.
As I explained in this comparison guide, there are 4 main categories:
  • beginner level (mostly custodials)
  • intermediary (non-custodials)
  • advanced
  • more advanced (node management)
Or if you want a more simple representation, as I explained in this other guide.
fantastic response and a very comprehensive one .... agree, there is no BEST thing in anything in life ... it can be best in one or more things but not EVEYTHING