This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Bitcoin doesent care if you are pro or anti abortion
How hard would it be to automatically show long-form NIP-23 events as posts on SN?
язык написания зависет сильно. так мы будем ещё долго договариваться
Syncing a new bitcoin node at home. It's been going for a few days, and made me think:
Someone should make a system that allows you to run multiple nodes at once all downloading different parts of the blockchain and then puts it all back together. This would allow me to spin up multiple bitcoind instances on different hardware and speed up the initial blockchain download process.
So sharding but just for setting up your node?
That's assuming syncing is CPU bound though. It sounds like you might be network bound.
Good point, I'd like to see data on this in general. How much CPU/RAM/IO do you need to saturate a 1 gigabit line for example?
I just assumed you were syncing over Tor given the speed, but syncing is normally cpu bound afaik.
Good point, I was syncing over Tor, I didn't think about that as well.
Wondering if mempool clears over the holidays
Sometimes you think you have to be a super programmer to contribute to stuff and then you see PRs like this
Core Lightning #5967 adds a listclosedchannels RPC that provides data about the node’s closed channels, including the cause of channel being closed. Information about old peers is also retained now.
Like that seems like a really common sense thing to do. Obviously you still need the technical skills to build this but it’s just amazing to see how common sense things get added to this highly technical protocols like CLN
Hello everyone. The weekend is finally here, no matter what you're doing, just take a deep breath and know that You matter, YOU are important, enjoy the day, a walk, lunch, a good conversation, a smile, a dog wagging it's tail, anything that puts a smile on yours it will be worth it. So, be well and stay frosty my friend.
Thanks coach.